Skin Secrets
Permanent Makeup

Specialists in natural, permanent make-up which means YOU can look naturally great anytime.

Call: 07861 731 995

Do YOU want to look good every day without having a time-consuming make-up routine?

I am Claire Saunders and I specialise in natural, permanent make-up which means YOU can look naturally great anytime.

I offer a FREE no-obligation consultation where we can have an informal chat to see how I can help you best.

Just contact me for a chat.

All my treatments include:

A thorough, free consultation prior to your treatment

Expert pre-drawing, mapping and measuring

Customised blending of pigments to compliment your natural tones

Bespoke treatment and touch-up appointment (6 weeks after initial treatment)

Pigment sealing treatment to make the colour last longer and heal faster

Sterile and hypoallergenic conceal treatment for the healing period

Full Aftercare Pack to take home with clear written instructions and details of what to expect during healing

Vitamin A and D cream to soothe the treatment area

What is Permanent Make-up?

Permanent make-up is also referred to as Semi-permanent Make-Up, Cosmetic Tattooing and Microblading/Hairstroke

Appear instantly younger and healthier

Look great both day and night

Never worry about make-up smudging even when swimming, running, at the gym or on holiday

Busy life? Save time on your daily make-up routine

Save money on make-up

Do you have problems applying make-up or allergies to make-up?

Invest in yourself – you deserve to feel better and be more confident